"Anarchists are social revolutionaries who seek a stateless, classless, voluntary, cooperative federation of decentralized communities based upon social ownership, individual liberty and autonomous self-management of social and economic life." - Lorenzo Komboa Ervin

Anarchy (General)

Anarchist Magazines

Green Anarchy


Anarchy (General)

Anarchist Action Network - The impetus for this site was a story in the New York Times, which equated neo-Nazis with anarchists as "hate groups". We first called this site the Anarchist Anti-Defamation League to counter to defamation of anarchy and anarchists in the media. Many journalists have little or no historical background about anarchy or anarchists. To help this situation, we created A Quick Guide to Anarchy for Journalists. The demonization of anarchy and anarchists continues.

Anarchist FAQs - This web-site is the creation of many anarchists across the globe and is a classic example of the power of freedom, equality and mutual aid.

Anarchist Library - A source for anarchist essays and articles.

Anarchist Resources Online - This page is dedicated to all the anarchist resources you are looking for (and when I say "anarchist" I do not mean the oxymoronic "anarcho" capitalist, but anti-authoritarian anarchism) this page is new, but more should be added soon.


Creating Livable Alternatives to Wage Slavery (CLAWS) - CLAWS is a nonprofit support group, as well as a resource clearinghouse providing access to books and other educational materials. Our main purpose is to encourage people to re-think the old ways of viewing work, jobs, and leisure in our lives.

We are working together to generate viable alternatives to wage slavery. If you absolutely adore your job and don't know what a wage slave is, congratulations--you're a rare bird, and this organization probably isn't for you. We seek to transform the way people think about jobs, work, and money in our everyday lives.

We envision a new way of viewing "work". For some of us, it connotes struggle, drudgery, obligation. For others, it simply connotes use of energy toward a goal, whether financially remunerated or not. Workers of the world, unite and stop working!

Fighting for Our Lives (PDF)

Infiltration - Infiltration offers a mix of the practice and theory of urban exploration in areas not designed for public usage.

Institute for Anarchist Studies

New Jersey Anarchist Workers - This site contains pro-worker, anti-boss texts, and easy to read leaflets on issues such as unions and anarchism.

Spiritual Anarchy - There are many different definitions of anarchy even among anarchists. The links on this page go to a myriad of anarchist pages. Some I agree with, some I don't. I include them all because that is a part of my belief in Spiritual Anarchy. Find your own beliefs and if they differ from mine, that's OK as long as they do not affect me adversely.

Spunk Library - The Spunk Library collects and distributes literature in electronic format, with an emphasis on anarchism and related issues. For a more complete description of what Spunk is about you can view the Spunk Manifesto.

You May Be An Anarchist And Not Even Know It

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Anarchist Magazines

Anarchy: A Journal of Desire Armed

Black Flag

Not Bored! - Not Bored! is an anarchist, situationist-inspired, low-budget, irregularly published, photocopied journal. No copyrights, rights reserved, advertising or subscriptions.

Practical Anarchy - Practical Anarchy has been an occasional zine focusing on practical aspects of anarchism which has been published for more than 10 years. The magazine is broadening its focus and moving to more frequent publication in 2002. Our immediate goal is to publish quarterly, starting with the Summer 2002 issue. As soon as possible we will move to a bimonthly schedule.

Venomous Butterfly

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Green Anarchy

Earth Liberation Front (ELF) - The Earth Liberation Front is an international underground movement consisting of autonomous groups of people who carry out direct action according to the E.L.F. guidelines. Since 1997, E.L.F. cells have carried out dozens of actions resulting in over $30 million in damages.

Earth Liberation Prisoners - Earth Liberation Prisoners exists to provide information on people imprisoned for actions in defense of the earth and it's inhabitants. In this we include people fighting on anti nuclear and peace issues, indigenous struggles, animal liberationists and a whole host more. It is our opinion that we will never have a free and ecological society till we dismantle the power structures and hierarchies that maintain a society based on greed and exploitation. If you click here you will find a copy of our prisoner listings 'Spirit of Freedom'. This should have up to date information on people imprisoned, the addresses where you can write to them, and any contact for a support group if they have one.

Eco-Action.org - One thing that sets many anarchists apart from other revolutionaries is the belief that the revolution is not a grand apocalyptic moment that we must wait for. The revolution exists in every moment of our lives. When I get up in the morning and spend my day deliberately doing things that please me, when I strive to live instead of merely existing, that is the revolution happening. - Monkey

GreenAnarchy.org - As long as civilization exists, we are all endangered species!

The Green Journal - The Green Journal supports no gods, no masters, no civilization, and no domestication.

The Last Wizards - When visiting The Last Wizards you will find essays and discussions on the tools, techniques and forces that shift and alter our world. The Last Wizards are concerned with philosophy, environmental and social justice politics, postmodernism, mass media, scholarly occult theory, culture, war, globalization, converging technologies and the singularity.

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